How do you subscript variables in MATLAB?

How do you subscript variables in MATLAB?

To add subscripts to symbolic variables in live scripts, append the corresponding index to the variable using one underscore ( _ ). For example, create two symbolic variables with subscripts using syms . Use these variables in an expression.

How do you write a subscript on a MATLAB plot?

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  1. hold on.
  2. plot(d,d5l,’–k^’,’markersize’,20,’markerfacecolor’,’k’);
  3. str1=’ bell diameter $$d $$[cm]’;
  4. str2=’$$|\overline{Q}|$$ [cm^{2}/s]’;
  5. legend(‘x/d = -1’);
  6. xlabel(str1,’interpreter’,’latex’,’fontsize’,30,’fontweight’,’bold’);

How do you use LineWidth in MATLAB?

Specify the line width by setting the “LineWidth” property a name-value pair.

  1. plot(x1,y1,’LineWidth’,5)
  2. hold on.
  3. plot(x2,y2,’LineWidth’,10)
  4. hold off.

How do you write an underscore in MATLAB legend?

The underscore character ” _ ” is interpreted by MATLAB as a subscript command. The backslash command ” \” is interpreted by MATLAB to indicate that a TeX command is next.

What is a variable subscript?

Subscripts are those little numbers in the bottom right Sometimes equations may have variables with subscripts (tiny numbers just after the variable). This is especially the case in science subjects such as chemistry or physics.

How does subplot work in MATLAB?

subplot( m , n , p ) divides the current figure into an m -by- n grid and creates axes in the position specified by p . MATLAB® numbers subplot positions by row. The first subplot is the first column of the first row, the second subplot is the second column of the first row, and so on.

How do I change underscore with spaces in Matlab?

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  1. You could use the command “strrep” to replace the underscores with spaces:
  2. strrep(FileName,’_’,’ ‘)
  3. or if you want to keep the filename exact with the underscores, insert a backslash:
  4. strrep(FileName,’_’,’\_’)

How to fix MATLAB plot text with subscript character?

Tiffany’s answer is the (un-elegant) fix: dy_1_4. The same Problem occurs in 2020a. does succesfully interpretate every letter in parantheses as subscript, but not as Latex, so the $-Signs are shown in the legend and the string is not italic.

How to add subscripts to symbolic variables in MATLAB?

MATLAB® Live Editor displays symbolic variables with subscripts, superscripts, and accents in standard mathematical notation. To add subscripts to symbolic variables in live scripts, append the corresponding index to the variable using one underscore ( _ ). For example, create two symbolic variables with subscripts using syms.

How to add subscripts and accents in MATLAB live editor?

Starting in R2019a, MATLAB Live Editor displays symbolic variables with subscripts, superscripts, and accents in standard mathematical notation. This example shows how to add subscripts, superscripts, and accents to symbolic variables in the MATLAB® Live Editor.

Are there subscripts in the legend Keys in MATLAB?

You will see updates in your activity feed. You may receive emails, depending on your notification preferences. This is a very basic question, and as my code suggests, it should work, but it’s not: I want have the variables in these legend keys have subscripts, but when MATLAB displays the graph, they appear as written with the underscore symbol.

How to add a subtitle to a plot in MATLAB?

View MATLAB Command. Create a plot, and add a title with the title function. Then create a subtitle containing two lines of text by passing a cell array of character vectors to the subtitle function. Each element in the array is a separate line of text.

Tiffany’s answer is the (un-elegant) fix: dy_1_4. The same Problem occurs in 2020a. does succesfully interpretate every letter in parantheses as subscript, but not as Latex, so the $-Signs are shown in the legend and the string is not italic.

MATLAB® Live Editor displays symbolic variables with subscripts, superscripts, and accents in standard mathematical notation. To add subscripts to symbolic variables in live scripts, append the corresponding index to the variable using one underscore ( _ ). For example, create two symbolic variables with subscripts using syms.

Starting in R2019a, MATLAB Live Editor displays symbolic variables with subscripts, superscripts, and accents in standard mathematical notation. This example shows how to add subscripts, superscripts, and accents to symbolic variables in the MATLAB® Live Editor.