Why does Google Drive return a 404 status code?

Why does Google Drive return a 404 status code?

After I make the PUT request, it returns a 404 status code with “Not Found” as the responseText. I’ve tried it before and it would return with status 200 and I was able to get the Location header from the response, but now I can’t get a 200 status code from any file. No matter which file I choose, it always outputs 404 as the status code.

How to resolve a 403 error on Google Drive?

Resolve a 403 error: The user does not have sufficient permissions for file {fileId} A insufficientFilePermissions error occurs when the user does not have write access to a file, and your app is attempting to modify that file. Following is the JSON representation of this error:

How to get the Google Drive upload ID?

I get the id of a file using the File Picker API which returns “0BzAI5S8IJebrUnQtYWFSVzhPdVk”, so that the upload URL should be ” https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files/0BzAI5S8IJebrUnQtYWFSVzhPdVk?uploadType=resumable “. After I make the PUT request, it returns a 404 status code with “Not Found” as the responseText.

What happens when you get a soft 404 on Google?

When a web page returns a soft 404 error, it won’t appear in Google search. Basically, Google de-indexes pages that return a soft 404 error, which in turn can impact your SEO. Let’s say you run an online store selling chairs and you’re having issues with one URL in particular: https://chairsgalorestore.com/products/sale/blue-chair

Is the Error 404 not found a resource?

Yes 404 is resource not found, but I’m using the exact downloadUrl that comes in the meta data of the file, so I think it’s correct. – Emerson Takahashi Jul 20 ’12 at 16:54 myFileId is the file id of my file in Google Drive. I got it in File/Share.

How to retrieve content from a Google Drive?

I am trying to retrieve the content of a Google Drive file using HTTP get request in a Android app. I’ve already authenticated myself and got the token, got the file metadata below (just replaced “sensitive info” with <“sensitive info”>):

When do you get a NotFound error on Google Drive?

The notFound error occurs when the user does not have read access to a file, or the file does not exist. Inform the user they don’t have read access to the file or that the file doesn’t exist. Instruct the user to ask the owner for permission to the file. A rateLimitExceeded error occurs when the user has sent too many requests in

When to resolve a 403 error in Google Drive?

Resolve a 403 error: Usage limit exceeded. An error 403 occurs when a usage limit has been exceeded or the user doesn’t have the correct privileges. To determine the specific type of error, evaluate the reason field of the returned JSON. This error occurs for the following situations: The daily limit was exceeded.