How can I find out more about OCaml?

How can I find out more about OCaml?

Find out about OCaml, read about users, see code examples, go through tutorials and more. Install OCaml, look up package docs, access the Manual, get the cheat sheets and more. The OCaml Package Manager, gives you access to multiple versions of hundreds of packages.

What kind of programming style does OCaml have?

OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles. Learn. Find out about OCaml, read about users, see code examples, go through tutorials and more.

What can OCaml package manager do for You?

The OCaml Package Manager, gives you access to multiple versions of hundreds of packages. Read the news feed, join the mailing lists, get support , attend meetings, and find OCaml around the web. Got a question? Ask OCaml experts!

When is the release date for OCaml 4.08?

OCaml 2019 August 23, 2019. Release of OCaml 4.08.1 June 14, 2019. OCaml Weekly News September 10, 2019. OCaml Developer at Ahrefs Pte Ltd (Full-time) September 14, 2019.

Where can I find the documentation for OCaml?

You’ll find the documentation for all modules that ship with any OCaml distribution. These modules form what is called the Standard Library. In addition, a special module Stdlib contains the core library, and is always open. Many tools are bundled with the OCaml language.

The OCaml Package Manager, gives you access to multiple versions of hundreds of packages. Read the news feed, join the mailing lists, get support , attend meetings, and find OCaml around the web. Got a question? Ask OCaml experts!

What kind of atomic references does OCaml provide?

This module provides a purely sequential implementation of the concurrent atomic references provided by the Multicore OCaml standard library: Large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays. Boolean values. Extensible buffers. Byte sequence operations. Byte sequence operations.

How to create a list size in OCaml?

The end result is cleaner in terms of code, though. *) let group list sizes = let initial = List .map ( fun size -> size, []) sizes in (* The core of the function.

How to print the inferred type in OCaml?

When you are in the top level loop, OCaml will print the inferred type after you enter an expression. # let inc x = x + 1 ;; val inc : int -> int = <fun># let a = 99 ;; val a : int = 99 For a source file you can use “ocamlc -i /path/to/” command to print all names and type signatures.

What’s the best way to create a ML program?

A convenient way to develop ML programs is to open two windows, one for an editor and one to run sml. You edit ML functions in the edit window, using your favorite text editor. To test ML functions, go to the sml window. Enter the command use “filename.sml”; to load and compile the file you’ve just edited.

How to print type signatures in OCaml source file?

For a source file you can use “ocamlc -i /path/to/” command to print all names and type signatures. Note that type signatures of functions of multiple arguments are written in curried form. A function that takes multiple arguments can be represented as a composition of functions that take only one argument.

Which is the compatibility package for OCaml 4.07?

Compatibility package for OCaml’s standard iterator type starting from 4.07. Bindings for the ffmpeg library which provides functions for decoding audio and video files Library for dealing with “text”, i.e. sequence of unicode characters, in a convenient way Converts compiled interface files (.cmi) into source interface files (.mli)

Which is the OCaml library for SMT solver?

Alt-Ergo Zero is an OCaml library for an SMT solver. A (C-like syntax) programming language that compiles to Bash and Windows Batch. Utilities for Versioned RPC communication with a child process over stdin and stdout

What is the purpose of javalib in OCaml?

Javalib is a library written in OCaml with the aim to provide a high level representation of Java .class files Bindings for the soundtouch library which provides functions for changing pitch and timestretching audio data Bindings for the Jack library which provides functions for linking audio programs

How does the tracing function work in OCaml?

Tracing functions calls, which works in the interactive toplevel. The OCaml debugger, which allows analysing programs compiled with ocamlc. Tracing functions calls in the toplevel The simplest way to debug programs in the toplevel is to follow the function calls, by “tracing” the faulty function:

How does the OCaml debug work in the toplevel?

Tracing functions calls , which works in the interactive toplevel. The OCaml debugger, which allows analysing programs compiled with ocamlc. The simplest way to debug programs in the toplevel is to follow the function calls, by “tracing” the faulty function:

Where is the OCaml function in

The function that calls it is in module Uncaught, file char 221: To sum up: if you’re developing a program you can compile it with the -g option, to be ready to debug the program if necessary. Hence, to find a spurious exception you just need to type ocamldebug a.out, then r, b, and bt gives you the backtrace.

What kind of parser is menhir in OCaml?

Menhir is a LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml programming language. That is, Menhir compiles LR(1) grammar specifications down to OCaml code.