How to detect if a fragment is visible to the user?

How to detect if a fragment is visible to the user?

Android. Detect if fragment is visible to user. Imagine that you have one activity and several fragments inside it, which you dynamically add, remove using FragmentManager. Few days ago in my project I realized that I can’t understand which fragment is currently visible to user.

How do I get the current displayed fragment?

In the main activity, the onAttachFragment (Fragment fragment) method is called when a new fragment is attached to the activity. In this method, you can get the instance of the current fragment.

Is the parent fragment visible in isvisible ( )?

One thing to be aware of, is that isVisible () returns the visible state of the current fragment. There is a problem in the support library, where if you have nested fragments, and you hide the parent fragment (and therefore all the children), the child still says it is visible. isVisible () is final, so can’t override unfortunately.

When to call hidden Boolean on a fragment?

Called when the hidden state (as returned by isHidden ()) of the fragment has changed. Fragments start out not hidden; this will be called whenever the fragment changes state from that. hidden – boolean: True if the fragment is now hidden, false if it is not visible.

Android. Detect if fragment is visible to user. Imagine that you have one activity and several fragments inside it, which you dynamically add, remove using FragmentManager. Few days ago in my project I realized that I can’t understand which fragment is currently visible to user.

In the main activity, the onAttachFragment (Fragment fragment) method is called when a new fragment is attached to the activity. In this method, you can get the instance of the current fragment.

One thing to be aware of, is that isVisible () returns the visible state of the current fragment. There is a problem in the support library, where if you have nested fragments, and you hide the parent fragment (and therefore all the children), the child still says it is visible. isVisible () is final, so can’t override unfortunately.

Called when the hidden state (as returned by isHidden ()) of the fragment has changed. Fragments start out not hidden; this will be called whenever the fragment changes state from that. hidden – boolean: True if the fragment is now hidden, false if it is not visible.