How to use SICP solutions in scheme wiki?

How to use SICP solutions in scheme wiki?

Suggested guidelines: prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions solutions should be in Scheme, not Common Lisp (this is a Scheme wiki, after all)

How to prefix the solution number with SICP-ex?

prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions solutions should be in Scheme, not Common Lisp (this isa Scheme wiki, after all) Solutions Chapter 1. Building Abstractions with Procedures

How to list all SICP solutions in one page?

[Edit History] In an ideal world, this page will grow and eventually list all solutions to sicp. Suggested guidelines: prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions

Suggested guidelines: prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions solutions should be in Scheme, not Common Lisp (this is a Scheme wiki, after all)

prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions solutions should be in Scheme, not Common Lisp (this isa Scheme wiki, after all) Solutions Chapter 1. Building Abstractions with Procedures

[Edit History] In an ideal world, this page will grow and eventually list all solutions to sicp. Suggested guidelines: prefix the solution number with sicp-ex-, so the pages will list nicely in the wiki only use concepts explained up to that point; e.g. don’t use cons, car, cdr etc in section 1 solutions

When does SICP make reference to itself in Chapter 4?

SICP regularly makes reference to itself at later chapters. For example, one of the Lisp interpreter exercises in Chapter 4 makes reference to 2.71 (Chapter 2). This means that having the results of your work chronicled will make your life considerably easier.