Who is using the sonata project for presentation?

Who is using the sonata project for presentation?

Sonata Project provides an easy to configure, modulable and ready to use set of bundles. Who is using Sonata? Clairefontaine medical centre presentation website ( http://cnf-centre-medical.com) use the Sonata bundles.

How is Sonata project integrated with Symfony 2?

A toolbox that provides technical utilities which can be integrated to any Symfony project. A set of functionalities that help managing content. The bundles can be easily integrated to your CMS projects. An e-commerce solution based on Symfony 2 that helps building e-commerce sites easily.

How are admin bundles connected to Symfony Project?

A set of bundles connected to the most known “Admin Bundle” that provides robust administration interfaces. A toolbox that provides technical utilities which can be integrated to any Symfony project. A set of functionalities that help managing content.

Where can I find the sonata tennis bundle?

Clairefontaine medical centre presentation website ( http://cnf-centre-medical.com) use the Sonata bundles. Tennis Round ( http://www.tennisround.com) helps tennis players of different skill levels find a tennis partner and schedule a match. It’s also a nationwide directory of tennis courts and facilities in the USA.

Which is the list view in sonata admin?

The List View ¶ This document will cover the List view which you use to browse the objects in your system. It will cover configuration of the list itself and the filters you can use to control what’s visible. 6.1.

How to customize the sort order in sonata?

Customizing the sort order 6.4.1. Configure the default ordering in the list view 6.5. Filters 6.5.1. Default filters 6.5.2. Callback filter 6.6. Visual configuration 6.7. Mosaic view button 6.8. Checkbox range selection 6.9. Displaying a non-model field 6. The List View ¶

How to customize columns in sonata list view?

You can customize the columns displayed on the list through the configureListFields method. Here is an example:

When to use Symfony data Transformers in sonata?

Symfony Data Transformers ¶ If the model field has a limited list of values (enumeration), it is convenient to use a value object to control the available values. For example, consider the value object of moderation status with the following values: awaiting, approved, rejected: