How to use balloon popup extender in ASP.NET?

How to use balloon popup extender in ASP.NET?

2. Drag an ASP.Net AJAX ToolScriptManager on the page. 3. Then you need to add the BalloonPopupExtender next to the TextBox control for which you want to display the Balloon Popup. Balloon Popup Extender also requires a Panel control which carries its content.

What is the default size of a balloon popup?

The BalloonPopupExtender control displays a popup which can contain any content. BalloonSize – Optional setting specifying the size of balloon popup. (Small, Medium and Large). Default value is Small BalloonStyle – Optional setting specifying the theme of balloon popup. Default value is Rectangle

How to override custom balloon popup in CSS?

If you have used custom Balloon Popup then the custom style can be overridden using the custom css URL. It can be set to five positions, which are TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, and Auto. If you have set auto, then it can align itself according to the available space.

What is the purpose of a balloon popup?

The basic purpose of the Balloon Popup Control is to show some information or direction while filling out a form, or it can be used with some text and show information on the click of that text. It has three different styles: Balloon, Rectangle and Custom type.

What does a balloon popup extender control do?

Balloon Popup Extender Control is an extender control and it is required to control the work. The basic purpose of the Balloon Popup Control is to show some information or direction while filling out a form, or it can be used with some text and show information on the click of that text.

The BalloonPopupExtender control displays a popup which can contain any content. BalloonSize – Optional setting specifying the size of balloon popup. (Small, Medium and Large). Default value is Small BalloonStyle – Optional setting specifying the theme of balloon popup. Default value is Rectangle

If you have used custom Balloon Popup then the custom style can be overridden using the custom css URL. It can be set to five positions, which are TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, and Auto. If you have set auto, then it can align itself according to the available space.

How does the balloon extender work in Ajax?

If you have set auto, then it can align itself according to the available space. The Balloon Extender Control works on MouseOver, Click, and Focus events. If the Balloon is shown on any of the events, you don’t have to worry about hiding the popup, the Extender Control automatically takes care of it.

If you have set auto, then it can align itself according to the available space. The Balloon Extender Control works on MouseOver, Click, and Focus events. If the Balloon is shown on any of the events, you don’t have to worry about hiding the popup, the Extender Control automatically takes care of it.

How to create a balloon popup in Ajax?

Various options such as Auto, BottomRight, BottomLeft, TopRight and TopLeft are available. UseShadow – This property is used to add Shadow effect to the Balloon Popup. DisplayOnFocus – When this property is set as TRUE then the Balloon Popup will be displayed when the TextBox control gets focus.

How to use balloon popup extender in Ajax?

If you need to show Text on BalloonPopup, you need to set BalloonPopupControlID (The ID of the control to display.) Please Sign up or sign in to vote. You can see a very simple example for Balloon POPUP Extender in AJAX in the below mentioned link. They already discussed all possible ways of implementing Balloon POPUP Extender in ASP.Net.

How to set the style of a balloon popup?

BalloonStyle – This property is used to set the style of Balloon Popup, there are two preset styles i.e. Cloud and Rectangle, while the Third style is Custom, to allow us use Custom Balloons. CustomCssUrl – This property is used to when you use BalloonStyle as Custom.

Which is an example of an AJAX Control Toolkit?

In this article, we will learn about Ajax control toolkit Balloon Popup Extender with examples. Balloon Popup Extender Control is an extender control and it is required to control the work.