How to update code that uses the imrect object function?

How to update code that uses the imrect object function?

Update code that uses any of the object functions of the imrect ROI object. In many cases, you can replace the call to an imrect object function by simply accessing or setting the value of an Rectangle ROI object property. For example, replace calls to getColor or setColor with use of the Color property.

How do you create a rectangle in MATLAB?

You can create the rectangle and adjust its size and position using the mouse. The rectangle also supports a context menu that you can use to control aspects of its appearance and behavior. Right-click on the rectangle to access this context menu. The table lists the interactive behaviors supported by imrect. Moving the rectangle.

How can I create a rectangle with imrect?

When you call imrect with an interactive syntax, the pointer changes to a cross hairs when over the image. You can create the rectangle and adjust its size and position using the mouse. The rectangle also supports a context menu that you can use to control aspects of its appearance and behavior.

How can I block the MATLAB command line?

Use wait to block the MATLAB ® command line. Double-click on the rectangle to resume execution of the MATLAB command line. If you use imrect with an axes that contains an image object, and do not specify a position constraint function, users can drag the rectangle outside the extent of the image.

What do you need to know about imrect MATLAB?

I want to be able to load a large tiff (say 1000 x 1000) and manually select a smaller ROI (e.g. 50×50) and display this new reduced image (but not by binning). but after I create the rectangle and then move it, the coordinates do not change.

How to use onmove in imrect MATLAB?

I am not sure how to: 1 create an “onmove” call back to ouptut the coordinates 2: Then take these and create the smaller image from the larger on (and display it) Thanks Jason Sign in to answer this question. Why not consider rbbox ()?

Update code that uses any of the object functions of the imrect ROI object. In many cases, you can replace the call to an imrect object function by simply accessing or setting the value of an Rectangle ROI object property. For example, replace calls to getColor or setColor with use of the Color property.

Use wait to block the MATLAB ® command line. Double-click on the rectangle to resume execution of the MATLAB command line. If you use imrect with an axes that contains an image object, and do not specify a position constraint function, users can drag the rectangle outside the extent of the image.