Is there a way to conditional compile in XAML?

Is there a way to conditional compile in XAML?

A TemplateSelector may also help, but IMVHO its a bit of a filthy hack. A TemplateSelector is supposed to swap a template based on type, but you can also exploit this to include extra code to determine the template to use – this could be a good spot to include conditionally compiled code.

Is there way to bind const member in code behind from XAML?

However, maintenance-wise, the internal identifier should be defined in one-place like this: The problem is seemingly property cannot be const value, so there’s no way to bind ID_foo and ID_bar to Uid of ComboBoxItem like this:

When to use content string and code behind in XAML?

For localization purpose, Content string should not be used to determine which item is selected during saving and loading a last selected item. For simplicity, XAML and code-behind should be connected internal identifier (In this case, Uid).

Which is the identifier for XAML and code behind?

For simplicity, XAML and code-behind should be connected internal identifier (In this case, Uid). So that, XAML and Code-behind can be maintained separately. However, maintenance-wise, the internal identifier should be defined in one-place like this:

How to do a simple XAML conditional binding?

If the boolean is true I want to hide the button, and otherwise show it. Enable But this doesn’t fit. I tried some more complex solution but my guess is, I am missing something trivial. Any suggestions?

What do you mean by code behind in XAML?

Code-behind is a term used to describe the code that is joined with markup-defined objects, when a XAML page is markup-compiled. This topic describes requirements for code-behind as well as an alternative inline code mechanism for code in XAML.

What is the meaning of behavior in WPF?

A behavior encapsulate pieces of functionality into a reusable component, which we later on can attach to a element in a view. Emphasis is on reusable. One can do the same code in codebehind or perhaps directly in XAML so it is nothing magic about a behavior.

Is there a way to define conditional logic in XAML?

I am wondering if there is a way to define conditional logic in xaml. I probably can use the “visibility” property of a check box to show/hide the check box. However, I am wondering if there is a way not to create the check box for an item if we know it is not needed. Thank you in advance for your help.