How do you bold the Sphinx?

How do you bold the Sphinx?

3.6. 2.2. Text syntax: bold, italic, verbatim and special characters `

  1. use one asterisk on each side of a text you want to emphasize in italic and 2 asterisks in you want to make it bold:
  2. double backquotes are used to make a text verbatim.

What is reStructuredText format?

reStructuredText (RST, ReST, or reST) is a file format for textual data used primarily in the Python programming language community for technical documentation.

How do you write reStructuredText?

Paragraphs in reStructuredText are blocks of text separated by at least one blank line. All lines in the paragraph must be indented by the same amount….Formatting the main text

  1. Use one asterisk ( *text* ) for italics.
  2. Use two asterisks ( **text** ) for bolding.
  3. Use two backticks ( “text“ ) for code samples.

What is RST syntax?

The reStructuredText (RST) syntax provides an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. like Python, RST syntax is sensitive to indentation ! RST requires blank lines between paragraphs.

How do I create an RST file?

Generating . The . rst files are automatically generated using the sphinx-apidoc command. You can also add a target to your Makefile ($APPDIR/docs/Makefile): rst: sphinx-apidoc -f -o . ..

How do I use an RST file?

Because RST files are plain text files, you can open and edit them in any text editor, including:

  1. GitHub Atom (cross-platform)
  2. GNU Emacs (cross-platform)
  3. Microsoft Notepad (Windows)
  4. Apple TextEdit (Mac)
  5. Vim (Linux)

What is Toctree Maxdepth?

toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro strings datatypes numeric (many more documents listed here) This accomplishes two things: Tables of contents from all those documents are inserted, with a maximum depth of two, that means one nested heading. toctree directives in those documents are also taken into account.

How do you add comments to an RST file?

For comments, add 2 periods .. followed by a newline and then your comment indented. As documented ( “Undefined tags are false”, such as comment .

How do I edit an RST file?

Microsoft Notepad and Microsoft WordPad are popular text editors that can be used to open, view, create and edit RST files, since these applications along with the Microsoft Windows platform provide support for the reStructuredText markup language.

Which is an example of a ReStructured Text Document?

Literal blocks (in which no markup processing is done) are used for examples throughout this document, to illustrate the plaintext markup. A reStructuredText document is made up of body or block-level elements, and may be structured into sections.

When to use inline markup in ReStructured Text?

In reStructuredText, inline markup applies to words or phrases within a text block. The same whitespace and punctuation that serves to delimit words in written text is used to delimit the inline markup syntax constructs (see the inline markup recognition rules for details).

Can a line be ignored in ReStructured Text?

Yes, it is that simple. If the “*” is inside a line, say an equation 6*30=180, reST will ignore it. If the * is all by itself, surrounded by spaces, reST will ignore it. What if you have a line you want to start with “*”, but not be italicized?

How is reStructuredText used in a web browser?

Introduction ¶ reStructuredText is a simplified mark-up language. These simplified patterns are interpreted by a HTML converter to produce “Very Structured Text” read by a web browser. I started using reStructuredText after forgetting one too many </p></a></strong> in my html files.

Literal blocks (in which no markup processing is done) are used for examples throughout this document, to illustrate the plaintext markup. A reStructuredText document is made up of body or block-level elements, and may be structured into sections.

In reStructuredText, inline markup applies to words or phrases within a text block. The same whitespace and punctuation that serves to delimit words in written text is used to delimit the inline markup syntax constructs (see the inline markup recognition rules for details).

Which is an example of a reStructuredText parser?

This document is itself an example of reStructuredText (raw, if you are reading the text file, or processed, if you are reading an HTML document, for example). The reStructuredText parser is a component of Docutils.

Yes, it is that simple. If the “*” is inside a line, say an equation 6*30=180, reST will ignore it. If the * is all by itself, surrounded by spaces, reST will ignore it. What if you have a line you want to start with “*”, but not be italicized?