How to execute a JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

How to execute a JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

Below code snippet shows you how to execute a JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver. 1. WebDriver Example In this example, it uses WebDriver to load “”, and executes a simple alert () later.

Can you write JavaScript tests in webdriverjs?

The WebDriverJs is actually “just” another WebDriver language binding (you can write your tests in Java, C#, Ruby, Python, JS and possibly even more languages as of now). This one, particularly, is JavaScript, and allows you therefore to write tests in JavaScript.

How is JavaScript executed in selenium single-threaded?

The JS so executed is single-threaded with a various callback function which runs synchronously. This method executes JavaScript in the context of the currently selected frame or window in Selenium. The script used in this method runs in the body of an anonymous function (a function without a name). We can also pass complicated arguments to it.

Which is an example of javascriptexecutor in selenium?

2) Example: Capture Scrape Data and Navigate to different pages using JavaScriptExecutor. Execute the below selenium script. In this example, Fetch the details of the site like URL of the site, title name and domain name of the site. Then navigate to a different page.

How to use javascriptexecutor in Selenium WebDriver?

JavaScriptExecutor is an interface provided by Selenium Webdriver, which presents a way to execute JavaScript from Webdriver. This interface provides methods to run JavaScript on the selected window or the current page. JavaScriptExecutor is an interface which is available for all the languages that support the Selenium Framework.

Why is there an error in Selenium WebDriver script?

However in the Selenium WebDriver script below, the same test generated an error because WebDriver does not support the “contains” keyword when used in the By.cssSelector () method. Instead of using the long “driver.findElement (By.locator ())” syntax every time you will access a particular element, we can instantiate a WebElement object for it.

How to add external jars to Selenium WebDriver?

Select “Java Build Path” option in the left side of the Properties dialog box. Click on “Add External JARs..” button. Select the extracted Selenium Java Client Driver folder downloaded in Step3 & add all JAR files present in the inside & outside of the “libs” folder.

What kind of driver is selenium for Java?

These bindings are also called client drivers, as opposed to browser drivers. These language bindings are maintained by the Selenium WebDriver open source team. “Official” bindings are available for Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript(Node).