How do I select a QT Kit?

How do I select a QT Kit?

To add kits:

  1. Select Tools > Options > Kits > Add.
  2. In the Name column, enter a name for the kit.
  3. Select the button to select an image to use as an icon for the kit.
  4. In the File system name field, enter a name for the kit to use as a part of directory names.
  5. In the Device type field, select the type of the device.

What compiler does Qt use?

C++ compiler
Qt Creator uses the C++ compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection on Linux. On Windows it can use MinGW or MSVC with the default install and can also use Microsoft Console Debugger when compiled from source code. Clang is also supported.

How do I get rid of QT?

Method 1: Uninstall Qt 4.8. 0 via Programs and Features.

  1. a. Open Programs and Features.
  2. b. Look for Qt 4.8.0 in the list, click on it and then click Uninstall to initiate the uninstallation.
  3. a. Go to the installation folder of Qt 4.8.
  4. b. Find uninstall.exe or unins000.exe.
  5. c.
  6. a.
  7. b.
  8. c.

What is Qt5 configuration?

DESCRIPTION. qt5ct is utility allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration. Qt5ct could use qt5 gtk theme, KDE breeze theme, the fusion theme, QtCurve theme and many more. Each style could be customized further by changing the color schema.

Where do I find mkspecs in qtbase?

The modified mkspec is placed in <Qt source>/qtbase/mkspecs/<platform>, and passed to configure using -platform or -xplatform. i see. so let’s say i’ve a generic embedded Linux board that’s listed in the device, what are the additional commands I need to include in the qmake.conf file before I start compiling?

Can you use mkspecs to cross compile Qt?

If you have a cross-toolchain that is arm-hisiv400-linux- then yes, you should be good to go. Just make sure that you can call the executable from the command line where you will cross-compile Qt. Actually by cross-compiling Qt, i’ll be able to get the qmake.exe for my target device right?

How to configure mkspecs for my platform?

The usual mode of operation for a platform that is similar to an existing and supported platform is to import an existing mkspec and modify where necessary. The modified mkspec is placed in <Qt source>/qtbase/mkspecs/<platform>, and passed to configure using -platform or -xplatform.

Which is the best way to build Qt?

Building Qt revolves around using configure to configure Qt for a particular platform with a particular set of Qt features or modules. For more information, visit the following page:

The modified mkspec is placed in /qtbase/mkspecs/ , and passed to configure using -platform or -xplatform. i see. so let’s say i’ve a generic embedded Linux board that’s listed in the device, what are the additional commands I need to include in the qmake.conf file before I start compiling?

Where do I find qmake spec in Qt?

QMAKE_SPEC – the shortname of the host mkspec that is resolved and stored in the QMAKESPEC variable during a host build; QMAKE_VERSION – the current version of qmake; QMAKE_XSPEC – the shortname of the target mkspec that is resolved and stored in the QMAKESPEC variable during a target build; QT_HOST_BINS – location of host executables

If you have a cross-toolchain that is arm-hisiv400-linux- then yes, you should be good to go. Just make sure that you can call the executable from the command line where you will cross-compile Qt. Actually by cross-compiling Qt, i’ll be able to get the qmake.exe for my target device right?

The usual mode of operation for a platform that is similar to an existing and supported platform is to import an existing mkspec and modify where necessary. The modified mkspec is placed in /qtbase/mkspecs/ , and passed to configure using -platform or -xplatform.