Can a pointer be wrapped in a pycobject?

Can a pointer be wrapped in a pycobject?

You can wrap pointers in PyCObjects (with an associated destructor, if so desired) at which point they become opaque Python objects whose memory is managed by the Python interpreter.

Why do I write wrappers for C and Python?

When I write wrappers for C and C++ code, I usually provide a procedural interface to the code and then use Python to construct an object-oriented interface. I do things this way for two reasons: first, exposing C++ objects to Python is a pain; and second, I prefer writing higher-level structures in Python to writing them in C++.

How to test an API wrapper in Python?

ImportError while importing test module ‘/Users/kevin/code/python/tmdbwrapper/tests/’. ‘cannot import name TV’ Make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names. This is because the tmdbwrapper package is empty right now.

How to wrap a function in Python file?

Let’s take a look at a basic wrapper: we have a function ‘hello’ in a file ‘hello.c’. ‘hello’ is defined like so: To wrap this manually, we need to do the following. First, write a Python-callable function that takes in a string and returns a string.

When I write wrappers for C and C++ code, I usually provide a procedural interface to the code and then use Python to construct an object-oriented interface. I do things this way for two reasons: first, exposing C++ objects to Python is a pain; and second, I prefer writing higher-level structures in Python to writing them in C++.

You can wrap pointers in PyCObjects (with an associated destructor, if so desired) at which point they become opaque Python objects whose memory is managed by the Python interpreter.

Let’s take a look at a basic wrapper: we have a function ‘hello’ in a file ‘hello.c’. ‘hello’ is defined like so: To wrap this manually, we need to do the following. First, write a Python-callable function that takes in a string and returns a string.

Which is the best library to wrap C + + code in Python?

If you are an expert C++ programmer and want to wrap a lot of C++ code, I would recommend taking a look at the Boost.Python library, which lets you run C++ code from Python, and Python code from C++, seamlessly.