What is package and procedure?

What is package and procedure?

A package is a group of related procedures and functions, together with the cursors and variables they use, stored together in the database for continued use as a unit. Similar to standalone procedures and functions, packaged procedures and functions can be called explicitly by applications or users.

What is difference between package and procedure?

Can we create sequence in procedure?

The stored procedure cannot create a sequence every time it is run. It can use a sequence.

Is a sequence of procedures and functions?

Explanation: A source file is a sequence of procedures and functions.

What does a database package let you do?

Packages let you encapsulate logically related types, variables, constants, subprograms, cursors, and exceptions in named PL/SQL modules. You can make each package easy to understand, and make the interfaces between packages simple, clear, and well defined.

Why packages are used what are it’s advantages?

Advantages of PL/SQL Packages Packages let you encapsulate logically related types, items, and subprograms in a named PL/SQL module. With packages, you can specify which types, items, and subprograms are public (visible and accessible) or private (hidden and inaccessible).

What is a sequence of procedures and functions?

What value Currval holds Once you create a sequence?

After a sequence is created, you can access its values in SQL statements with the CURRVAL pseudocolumn, which returns the current value of the sequence, or the NEXTVAL pseudocolumn, which increments the sequence and returns the new value.

What is procedure and example?

The definition of procedure is order of the steps to be taken to make something happen, or how something is done. An example of a procedure is cracking eggs into a bowl and beating them before scrambling them in a pan. noun.

How to create a procedure inside a package in Oracle?

In this example, we will create a procedure update_comm to update commission in EMP table. This procedure will take the parameter for commission percentage. Have you found the answer to your question?

How to create the body of a package?

Before you can call this package’s procedures and functions, you must define these procedures and functions in the package body. For an example of a CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement that creates the body of the emp_mgmt package, see CREATE PACKAGE BODY.

Can a package have more than one procedure?

The following code snippet shows a package specification having a single procedure. You can have many global variables defined and multiple procedures or functions inside a package. When the above code is executed at the SQL prompt, it produces the following result − Package created.

What can I do after creating a package in Java?

After creating the package, you can develop applications that call any of these public procedures or functions or raise any of the public exceptions of the package. Before you can call this package’s procedures and functions, you must define these procedures and functions in the package body.

In this example, we will create a procedure update_comm to update commission in EMP table. This procedure will take the parameter for commission percentage. Have you found the answer to your question?

Before you can call this package’s procedures and functions, you must define these procedures and functions in the package body. For an example of a CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement that creates the body of the emp_mgmt package, see CREATE PACKAGE BODY.

How to execute a procedure which is inside a package?

You can call a procedure from a package onnly if you have added it to the package specification. The package spec contains public declarations. The scope of these declarations is local to your database schema and global to the package. So, the declared items are accessible from your application and from anywhere in the package.

Can you create a package in another schema?

To create a package in your own schema, you must have the CREATE PROCEDURE system privilege. To create a package in another user’s schema, you must have the CREATE ANY PROCEDURE system privilege.