How do you find the length of a HTMLCollection?

How do you find the length of a HTMLCollection?

The length() Property is used to return the collection of all HTML elements in a document. It is read-only property and is quite useful when a user wants to loop through an HTML Collection. Return Value: It returns a number which represent the number of all elements in a HTML Collection.

What is a NodeList in Javascript?

NodeList objects are collections of nodes, usually returned by properties such as Node. childNodes and methods such as document. querySelectorAll() . Although NodeList is not an Array , it is possible to iterate over it with forEach() . It can also be converted to a real Array using Array.

Why do I see 0 when I run getElementsByClassName?

When you console.log (document.getElementsByClassName (‘gtableheader’).length); you see 0 because when you run it there is no element with class gtableheader. You are able to see the items in the console because document.getElementsByClassName () returns a live collection that is updated when the new elements are added.

Why does getElementsByClassName return a live collection?

That’s because the getElementsByClassName returns a live collection. the length property of the object is 0 because at that point of time there is no element with that className in the DOM. Since the console shows the live representation of an object, it shows all the matching elements when the elements are added to the DOM.

How to use document.getelementsbyclassname ( ) in HTML?

Syntax. var elements = document.getElementsByClassName( names); var elements = rootElement.getElementsByClassName( names); elements is a live HTMLCollection of found elements. names is a string representing the class name (s) to match; multiple class names are separated by whitespace.

How to get the class name of an element?

The class name of the child elements you want to get. To search for multiple class names, separate them with spaces, like “child color”. A NodeList object, representing a collection of the elements’ child elements with the specified class name.

That’s because the getElementsByClassName returns a live collection. the length property of the object is 0 because at that point of time there is no element with that className in the DOM. Since the console shows the live representation of an object, it shows all the matching elements when the elements are added to the DOM.

How does getelements byclassname ( ) work in HTML?

When called on the document object, the complete document is searched, including the root node. You may also call getElementsByClassName () on any element; it will return only elements which are descendants of the specified root element with the given class name (s). elements is a live HTMLCollection of found elements.

Can a getelementbyclass function return an array?

However, you can make one pretty easily. Give me a second and I’ll give you one you can use. /// Returns an array of all elements including and within the element that this function is called from.

How to get child elements of an element in JavaScript?

The getElementsByClassName() method returns a collection of an element’s child elements with the specified class name, as a NodeList object.